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1. Horse-race marriage   (audio only rated "R")
2. Cable Guy (audio only)
3. Mouse - you sexy thing....
4. Mastercard Dad...Priceless
5. Dodge Commercial                                                                                                   
6. Hard MD-80 landing......
7. Bumpers are NOT what they used to be!  (2.44MB)
8. Fruitcake Lady Gives advise (.asp file)
9. Pilots with guns! (mpeg) Very Funny!
10. A Bob Rivers Spoof on Al-Quida (Elvira tune-audio)
11. A Bob Rivers Spoof on Proud to be an American by Lee Greenwood (audio)

12. Plays Piano with Balls (comedy and very cool)
13. How to open a beer (very funny)
14. Wife meets Girlfriend Guess what! (Don't miss this one-never gets old)
15. Car Stereo humor!
16. Why a guy might like
17. IRAQ mission ........ Oh my god! Hope we didn't hit a copy of the Quran!

18. Incredible - Japanese WINNER
19. Christmas Light Show - Incredible
20. Lifeguard in the Pool !!!
21. Welcome to Ebonics Airways  (very funny)
22. The Bud Lite Clown

23. Let's Play the Bud Lite Stranger!
24. I would like a burger and fries ..... (cute)
25. CMC media file by Area51 (A-51, A Cutthroat Pilot)

26. Well, here is one regarding your colonoscopy .... that's right!  (audio only)
27. Flight 405 Emergency landing ... very cleverly done!
28. Hidden camera for deer on car hood.  (I love the reactions)

29. Man's best friend proves to be great on a skateboard.
30. New Car Alarm.  Don't monkey around with it!
31. Toyota trap!  Scary!!

32. The Cutts Theme Song (audio)
33. Here is the Aces High Movie
that Yippee38 recommends by Kingcat. Very well done indeed! (18 MB)
34. My FIRST movie of Aces High...better too. 43MB Cutts_B24
35. KKENS P38 Classic ... P-38 Assault  Starring ... me (KKEN) of course!

I can't leave well enough alone!  Night Flight in a C-HOG off line. Hog Night Out (15.5MB)
37. Test Movie using FRAPS and Windows Movie Maker. Flight Sim Pacific Fighters (14.3MB)
38. My latest and Best Movie so far, Stalin's 4th. (35.9 MB)  An Aces High Event, WWII battle recreation. April 2006
39. Speaking of Golf ...... a birdie. (531 KB) (rated, ahhhhh PG violence)
40. The first Mechanical Engineer (511 KB) (rated, ahhhhh PG suggestive)
41. A monkey with a Death Wish. (6.87 MB) (rated G )
42. Monthly Man - a state of mind?? (2.93 MB)
43. The Perfect Woman - 'nuff said. (2.44 MB)  (rated PG sexually suggestive-I think)
44. A woman's worst nightmare.  (not my words) (1.3 MB)  (rated PG sexually suggestive)
45. Hillary Clinton's diamond ring. (845 KB)  (Bill still says he didn't have sex with that woman)
46. On a trip out of Atlanta, this sign appeared.
47. Toyota-how bad do you want to drive it? (made for TV) (3.64 MB)
48. High Flight  This was a popular Air Force TV ad years ago. The site that had it asked that we not link to the file. (3.59 MB)
49. Benefits of Tequila (audio) (2.70 MB)
50. Patriotic and religious music video.  (5.39 MB)
51. I believe I can Fly Video

52. Telemarketer nightmare BOB and TOM (audio only)
53. Incredible 11 year old talent show (4.03MB)
54. Ford Mustang video - Whoa Nellie!! (2.03MB)
55. Possibly the first Helpdesk technician making a house call. (2.87MB)
56. Funny video of a helpdesk not from around these parts. (3.94MB)
57. My Favorite beer dispenser (6.14MB)
58. How about some Kentucky Math explained! (4.02MB)
59. A real carrier landing. Please note the meatball on the left side of the plane at touchdown. Enjoy!! (2.48MB)
60. Senator Larry Craig video..."I am not Gay"   very cute! (5.07MB)
61. Christmas Train story gone bad.
62. The Windiest Airport in the world...(5.72MB)
Video made from Wellington International Airport in New Zealand and other locations.
63. Uncle Jay explains how our Congress works........Priceless! (4.30MB)
64. Paternity Test.  (1.8MB) 

65. That look ... <rofl> (2.07MB)

66. Chris Rock on .... "Obeying the Law" ... (not work safe-Rated R - language) (2.91MB)
67. How to carry plywood. (2.5MB)
68. A simple Rockets Kill movie in Aces High. FW190-A8  (26MB) The Sequel Rocket Kill 2 (7.8MB)
69. Alternative to high fuel Prices?? Water  (2.95MB)  and  Saltwater (4.80MB) also  (youtube links: Water & Saltwater & Air Car.)
70. Alabama Crimson Tide humor (3.80MB)

71. Get manly  Mandles. A scent for all occasions!!(3.99MB)

72. Snowball Fight! Budweiser horses-very cute! (2.4MB)

73. Small Dog Frisbee Contest - Bud Lite commercial (1.56MB)

74. For you baseball fans...great catch by the ballgirl! (1.13MB)

75. Space Station living and fun! Way out cool! (6.46MB)
76. Night time VFR Approach into Aspen, Colorado (6.82MB)
77. A first for me, a triple kill with a single rocket (31.7MB)
78. Stroll down Memory Lane ( 6.05MB)

79. Politically incorrect!!!  But funny! (9.12MB)
80. Act Natural (Bud Lite monkey) (2.0MB)
81. Beware of the Teddy Bear Mascot!! (4.10MB)
82. Funny Hot Dog Commercial that goes a bit farther than most! (2.08MB)

83. Halloween Stripper, just for you. (2.88MB)
84. Men who multitask Hysterical! (2.61MB)
85. It's funny and "News" worthy!! (2.74MB)

86. If ever there was a Wiz that was...."The Wizard of Washington!!" (9.20MB)
87. OH MY Windows sound. From a Co-worker named Keith!! LOL  (539KB)

88. The Knife Trick - also known by... "Hey watch this one" (1.44MB)
New 01/18/09
89. You've all heard about the "Yellow Snow" (1.50MB)
New 01/18/09
90. Sand Art to Music. Title "Love 2008" (3.97MB)
New 01/18/09
91. Mixed Martial Arts fight - KO (2.59MB)
New 01/18/09
92. The Mom Song ..... very very funny and I have lived it!  (4.09MB) New 02/16/09
93. Condom Commercial that is ... sooooooooooo funny. (1.74MB) New 02/22/09
94. An example of gene-pool cleansing at work. (1.96MB) New 05/03/09
95. How about a burglary prevention commercial? (6.73MB) New 05/03/09
96. Hard landing for certain! (337KB) New 05/03/09
97. How do they clear the now off the tracks?  Now you know! (1.46MB) New 05/03/09
98. Redneck power windows. What else can I say! (2.56MB) New 05/03/09
99. Is it your fault? or the asphalt? (207KB) New 05/03/09
100. My office starting with tranquil photos to a rain soaked swollen river just outside our office window 2nd floor. New 10/14/09
101. Pilot of the Year video from long ago. (2.73MB) New 10/26/09
"This incredible machine was built as a collaborative effort between the Robert M. Trammell Music Conservatory and the Sharon Wick School of Engineering at the University of Iowa."   ....and is a hoax. It is a CGI computer generated device, but still an awesome concept! :)    (5.74MB) New 12/01/09
103.  A Christmas video "Momma is Santa" (1.79MB)
New 12/23/09
104.  Now here is a Political Statement Only a Texan could do!! (5.28MB)  
New 01/1/10 Happy New Year!!
105.  Patricia and I play 9 holes of golf Tiger Woods 2005  Created Sept 2006 ( 93.1MB)